Published On: August 8th, 2016|

The Oak Ridger – Staff Writer

“As summer winds down, the excitement of back-to-school shopping, new classes and making new friends are top of mind for children across the country. Parents face the familiar challenge of getting their children prepared for a successful year. The demands of a new school year however, can be nerve-wracking. Between new teachers, an increased workload and a new schedule, excitement can quickly turn into worry. The good news is when parents are involved in their children’s education, children tend to do better and have more positive feelings about going to school. And students who actively engage in educational opportunities learn more and better than students who take a more passive approach to learning. In fact, research shows students reading above grade level in the third grade are more likely to graduate from high school at higher rates, and students who take advanced math courses by high school are more likely to attend and graduate from college.”(more)