Published On: February 4th, 2016|

The Huffington Post – Jeff Ray

“This fall, an estimated 20.2 million students are attending American colleges and universities. Whether at two- or four-year institutions, the first step to fulfilling the American Dream is earning a degree that will provide a foot in the door to an amazing career, higher earnings and social capital. But year after year, that dream seems more out of reach for the 40 million students who collectively owe more than $1.2 trillion in student loan debt…We realize that borrowing a manageable amount for higher education is one of the best investments students can make in their futures, as long as they successfully complete their degrees in a timely manner. However, fewer than half of students pursuing a higher education degree in the United States will actually complete their programs on time. So, what can be done? While there are some things out of the student’s control — rising tuition, interest rates, etc. — students and their families can take steps to pursue the education they need and want without going into crippling debt, namely by taking on a business mindset. Here are some options that can put that mindset into practice and ensure a financially secure future:”(more)