Published On: May 21st, 2019|

Wired – Daniel Ramirez Perez

“In this hyper-personalized, autoplaying, all-you-can-eat mediascape, it helps to distinguish the healthy stuff from the junk. Fortnite? Probably not a great form of screen time. Video chatting with grandma? What family-unifying wonders hath Jobs wrought! Screen time, then, has become a slippery concept. Does typing a paper in Google Docs count? What about using a mapping app? Fortunately, researchers are beginning to study screen-based media in all its forms, instead of just lumping everything together like they used to. Some types of screen fare are like sugar: Limit consumption, especially before bedtime, and watch for signs of overindulgence—obesity, aggression, grade slippage. Others are more like proteins and veggies: Make sure kids get a balanced diet that includes exercise, IRL socializing, snoozing, and yes, screens. Above all, though, know thy child—some kids might be more vulnerable to the latest offering from Epic Games than others.” (more)