Published On: June 18th, 2015|

The Guardian – John Newbigin

“In the future being adaptable, able to learn how to learn, rather than learn how to remember, will be the only way of staying afloat…What’s really hard is being creative – and that’s going to get a lot harder in a global economy that is itself becoming more creative – and more competitive…In the course of an exhaustive analysis of some hundreds of entrepreneurial digital businesses in and around Brighton last year by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, it was discovered that the companies where there was a real balance between employees with an arts background and employees with a technology background, the businesses were growing at three times the rate of companies that failed to achieve a similar balance…But forget about jobs and the economy. The real evidence, and all of us know it, is that the way children get set up for life is by having balance, variety and stimulus in their lives and in their education – well-rounded to use a very traditional phrase.”(more)