Published On: August 15th, 2015|

The Los Angeles Times – Larry Gordon

“As a former college president, Roger H. Martin became accustomed to the worries and demands of his students’ parents. He has taken phone calls from those who want him to find new roommates for their children, fix the heating in dorm rooms and help their offspring find better paying jobs long after graduation. Those experiences, as well as more recent research trips to five colleges across the country, reinforced his belief that parents should be knowledgeable about their youngsters’ challenges starting higher education. But just as important, he said, is letting young adults deal with their own problems on campus. It’s all part of “the growing up experience,” he said, adding that “kids can learn by making mistakes.” That philosophy infuses his new book “Off to College: A Guide for Parents,” the latest in a line of guidebooks and websites aimed at preparing parents for the empty nest, advising them on how to handle possible major crises such as students’ mental health problems and substance abuse while urging them to avoid micromanaging choices of academic majors or squabbles with messy roommates.”(more)