Published On: April 1st, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Lindsay Abbott

“Spring is here, which means warm weather, antsy children, and another school vacation. When the fun and relaxing times end, returning to school can be quite overwhelming…Researchers call this phenomenon the “summer slide,” but it can happen in any season. When children spend about a week or more away from school they tend to forget some of what they have learned. This means teachers have to spend time reviewing old concepts rather than introducing new material. During school vacations children fall out of their study routines and can even lose their ability to focus…I’m not arguing against all time off. Children do need a break from school to spend time with family, observe holiday traditions, travel, and to just simply rest. However, this should occur for limited amount of days to prevent kids from falling behind academically. In the meantime, here are some tips for parents facing school vacations of any length:”(more)