Published On: September 17th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – C.L. Max Nikias, Tony F. Chan & Andrea Sironi

“Recent history is littered with examples of multinational corporations meeting spectacular failure on the international stage. Too often, cultural misunderstandings of other nations’ customer bases or corporate environments cripple a company’s efforts to enter foreign marketplaces…the lesson is clear…a globalized perspective isn’t just an advantage, but a necessity…To eliminate these problems, individuals must gain such skills and foundations prior to their international assignments. As educators, we felt there was no better time to do this than during their formative years, when business students can greatly enhance skill sets learned in the classroom with cultural immersion, exposure to international executives, and hands-on experience in diverse environments. But how would we teach something that ticks all of these boxes? The answer came through a novel program we now call the “World Bachelor in Business.”…we are not only promoting the prospects of success for global companies, but also the promise of success for our globalized world.”(more)