Published On: May 4th, 2016| – Xinhua

“Encouraging more American students to study Chinese and study abroad in China will ensure Sino-American relationship grows and flourishes in the future, U.S. educators have said. “The goal is to strengthen the overall U.S.-China relationship by ensuring very strong people-to-people ties,” said Travis Tanner, vice president of 100,000-Strong Initiative Foundation, a non-profit U.S.organization that leads the Chinese language education initiative called “1 Million Strong.”…”The U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century,” Josette Sheeran, President and CEO of the Asia Society, said on Thursday. “Now is China’s moment in the world to emerge, and the language is key to understand not only China’s today, but also China’s history, and the way it thinks.””(more)