Published On: August 21st, 2018|

The 74 Million – Tally Bernard

“There are things you come to expect to hear when you pick your kids up from school. These include “I’m hungry” or “I’m thirsty.” My favorite is “Did you charge the iPad?” But on the first day of school last year, I heard, “Mom, will you give us a math problem to solve, and can you make it hard?” I was taken aback. It made me wonder: When did math become fun? I started with what I thought were grade-appropriate questions. My second- and third-graders quickly responded, “Mom, That’s too easy. Ask one that is harder.” What amazed me even more than the fact that they kept coming up with the right answers was how they articulately explained what method they used to get those answers. It really demonstrated how much they had learned and made me think about the differences between how they are being taught math and how I was taught.” (more)