Published On: October 18th, 2015|

The Columbia Daily Herald – Chaz Molder

“Over the last several decades, hundreds of studies have shown that early childhood education is among the most significant indicators of student success. Students who have access to public, high-quality pre-k programs are better prepared to learn than their counterparts who start kindergarten—on average—18 months behind. These students are less likely to repeat the first grade, less likely to require specialized services as they matriculate through their primary education years, and more likely to graduate from high school. Conservative estimates show that benefits in specialized services alone could save school districts $3700 per student each year. In addition to the educational benefits of pre-k, there are societal benefits for our entire community. The Perry Pre-School Project, widely considered the premier study of early childhood education, showed that investing in pre-k programs leads to lower juvenile crime rates, reduced teen pregnancy rates and increased participation in the workforce, post-graduation. These ancillary benefits mean that for every $1 we invest in pre-k, our community will see a $17 return on investment. I’m a lawyer, not a financial advisor, but I believe that is a sound return on any investment.”(more)