Published On: June 22nd, 2016|

The Washington Post – Jeffrey J. Selingo

“The seismic shift in how campus recruiting is done these days makes it extremely difficult for college graduates to figure out what they need to do to best prepare for the workforce…We know there are odd things happening in the job market right now that we can’t seem to explain…Entire industries are disappearing almost overnight…One recent study predicts that nearly half of American jobs are at risk from automation and artificial intelligence. What kinds of jobs should the education system be preparing students for? How does anyone know what the job market might look like in two or four years when today’s high-school seniors will be looking for employment? So how are students — along with their parents, teachers, and professors — supposed to navigate this new world?…Two recent reports from Burning Glass, a company that mines and analyzes online job ads, provide a few clues as to what the future job market holds for new graduates:”(more)