Published On: April 4th, 2015|

Chicago Now – NB Jaworski

“Last night we walked by the area of our city where they hold the annual carnival. They had a petting zoo there that we spent about 15 fun-filled minutes at towards the end of last summer. My daughter turns to me and asks, “绵羊在哪里 (Where is the lamb)?” Last summer, she was barely saying a word and there have been no animals around the area since. However, now she knows the words for all her farmyard animals and she clearly vividly remembers spending those 15 minutes with the animals. This is my answer to parents who ask if they think they’re child isn’t actually learning anything when they’re still not speaking. Your child’s brain is developing rapidly and, even if they can’t verbalize it, they have amazing memories and will start to express themselves once they have the language to do so. So, even if you don’t see it, your children are constantly learning and remembering everything around them.”(more)