Published On: January 22nd, 2016|

Thomas B. Fordham Institute – Michael J. Petrilli

“In a perfect world, all children would have access to an inspiring, well-rounded education, especially in pre-K and elementary school. They need a solid grounding in history, science, art, music, and literature. This is the period when their minds, like little sponges, are most receptive to learning about faraway times and places, hearing the classic stories from cultures around the world, understanding how the universe works, and unleashing their mini-Picassos and Beethovens. Plus, cognitive science tells us, these “extras” help our kiddos become excellent readers to boot—setting them up for a successful academic career from pre-K to college…Unfortunately, the vast majority of American elementary schools continue to eschew the type of well-rounded education that builds children’s knowledge…Perhaps most tragically, many elementary schools claim not to have time for history, science, and the arts because they are too busy teaching reading…So what’s a mom or dad to do?…Here are some concrete ideas…”(more)