Published On: March 30th, 2015|

The Seattle Times – Katherine Long

“Hardly a week passes without the release of some new report that discusses the extraordinary growth in the cost of higher education. Lost in the debate is one caveat: A majority of students get some sort of financial aid, which makes the cost of going to college less than many think. That’s one of the takeaways from a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a federal agency that compiles education data. Most reports about escalating college costs focus on the so-called “sticker price.” But as the published prices have skyrocketed, so has the amount of aid available to low-income students. The study reports that many Americans believe college is too expensive, and some see it as prohibitively so. But for a more realistic look at the cost, it’s important to factor in financial aid (which can dramatically lower the price for some families) and the total cost of living expenses (not just tuition).”(more)