Published On: April 22nd, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Smart Parents Series

“As a former high school administrator I know all too well the dangers of social media and adolescents. I have mediated plenty of fights, verbal confrontations, and school disruptions due to conversations conducted via social media. When my own children entered middle school I vowed that they would not become members of the social media society…I did relent and allow them to have electronic devices…At this time in their lives teens and pre-teens want to fit in with their peers. Social media allows them to join in the conversations their friends are having and feel connected to the group. If they are not familiar with what is happening with their peer group, they will tend to feel like an outcast or an undesirable. Also, children have to learn responsibility. Parents cannot do everything for their children nor can we shield them from everything…I give them freedom but it is supervised freedom…Here are a few of the rules that I have established for electronic device and social media usage that have worked for me.”(more)