Published On: April 25th, 2015|

State Hornet – Brandie Maguire

“Knowing more than one language can increase a person’s marketability and enhance their quality of life. On Friday, April 17, a presentation called “Communicating for Success: Leveraging Language to Launch Your Career” welcomed a panel of five business professionals who attributed part of their career success to their knowledge of multiple languages…Anne Goff, a Sacramento State French professor, led the panel discussion including speakers Andrew Bondar, Boryana Arsova, Tanya Altmann, Clarissa Laguardia and Carolyn Yohn. Goff began the discussion by explaining the importance of languages in modern workplaces. “Businesses are becoming increasingly international,” Goff said…All of the speakers wholeheartedly agreed that learning another language benefitted their lives and careers in a positive way…The discussion focused on the idea that there are many companies that seek out employees who have foreign language skills and many job descriptions specifically list various languages as a requirement for the job. Being fluent in additional languages is not only a marketable skill, but can be personally fulfilling.”(more)