Published On: March 2nd, 2016|

Thomas B. Fordham Institute – Norm Augustine and Rudy Crew

“Our schools should exist for one reason—to help our children achieve their potential. The evidence today is that we are largely failing to achieve this goal when it comes to our most talented students. But with a renewed commitment and targeted interventions, our nation can turn this tide…we must build a national strategy to develop our academic talent, revisiting the approach from more than a half-century ago that enabled the United States to win the space race. As leaders, perhaps the single most important message we have learned is that no resource is more critical to a successful enterprise than its people…We must grasp a sense of connection to the global sphere and ensure that decisions serve the bigger picture and make it brighter for our Nation’s gifted and talented students. Otherwise the talk about globalization and education is just rhetoric with no real vision.”(more)