Published On: June 19th, 2015|


“Despite being a generation of individuals growing up with technology and the Internet, American millennials are not as tech savvy as expected, Change for Education research reveals…although millennials spend approximately 35 hours per week on digital media, they “have a hard time solving problems using technology” that would facilitate and boost workplace productivity. The report also reveals that US millennials are ranked 19th out of 19 countries tested on tech skills such as using more than one software or application to solve a multi-step problem…91% of millennials believe that their lack of tech skills doesn’t affect their career prospects. However, only 4 in 10 employers say that recent college graduates can keep up with new technologies…This widespread belief on the relationship between tech skills and career prospects means that about 13 million tech illiterate millennials are unaware of how their tech incompetency sabotages their future success.”(more)