Published On: April 10th, 2017|

The Hechinger Report – Philip W.V. Hickman and Stephen M. Smith

“The class of 2028 will, no doubt, have a maze of postsecondary options to help them unlock their dreams and ambitions. Yet while the connection between education and aspiration is intuitive to many, it’s not necessarily so for children — particularly for those who come from low-income households or families with no college education. Students from low-income families enroll in college (immediately after high school) at a rate 30 percentage points lower than that for students from high-income families — and that gap has persisted since 1990. And it’s not for lack of aspirations. The Educational Policy Improvement Center notes that 93 percent of middle-school students aspire to attend college, and yet only 44 percent of those students actually enroll. There is a gap between what students aspire to achieve and what they accomplish.”(more)