Published On: May 28th, 2015| – Melissa Beattie-Moss

“For decades, “reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic” were considered the most fundamental subjects in American K-12 schools. These days, in order to boost our nation’s global competitiveness, many schools and colleges are emphasizing STEM subjects—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math—over the liberal and fine arts….In light of our shifting educational priorities and, in many places, shrinking school budgets, are there still persuasive arguments to be made for the importance of visual arts as a core school subject for American kids? Absolutely, says Christine Marmé Thompson, Penn State professor of art education…To be competitive globally, we need more than a grasp of factual information; we need to raise people “who can innovate in every field, including the technical ones,” she adds. The liberal and fine arts, including visual arts, are recognized as playing an important role in the development of creative thinking skills.”(more)