Published On: August 17th, 2015|

The Bellevue Leader – Kristan Gray

“Twenty-nine languages are spoken in the City of Bellevue according to the 2010 census. And, with an influx of immigrants and increased business being conducted with foreign markets, schools like Bryan High School are focused on teaching multiple languages to students. But the benefits of speaking more than one language abound beyond conducting business and establishing relationships. A third reason is that learning a new language delays the onset of neurological diseases, according to Katy Cattlett, Omaha Public Schools supervisor of dual language and world languages. “Research shows being bilingually-balanced delays the onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia by at least five years on average, some report at least a 10-year delay,” Cattlett said. “There’s a positive impact on the brain because you use more of it.” A fourth reason to learn another language, Cattlett said, is because better problem solving and critical thinking skills are developed. The end result for students who are balanced bilingually, both socially and academically, is that they perform better on most any sort of assessment, she said.”(more)