Published On: June 18th, 2015|

Education News – Grace Smith

“Research has found that adolescents need to exercise just like their younger counterparts in order to improve their health outcomes. University of Exeter researchers discovered that even two minutes of high-intensity exercise four times a day can improve health outcomes for adolescents, while the same amount of moderate exercise does not. The University Herald reports that short bursts of exercise spread out over the course of the day, which is what young children tend to do naturally, must be high-intensity to improve blood sugar levels, fat metabolism, and blood pressure in adolescents after eating a fatty meal…The CDC states that the benefits of regular exercise for adolescents include: improvement in strength and endurance; assisting in building healthy bones and muscles; helping with weight control; reducing anxiety and stress; increasing self-esteem; and the possibility of improving cholesterol levels…The healthy habits formed in the teen years can last an entire lifetime, and parents should encourage their kids by supporting his or her interest in organized sports.”(more)