Published On: May 21st, 2015|

KVIA – Maria Garcia

“Being truly bilingual can give your child lasting advantages throughout life, but what’s the best way to help a child properly learn two languages? Some early childhood experts agree: the earlier you expose your child to more than one language, the better. “That is when they develop what we call the ‘bilingual brain,'” said Dr. Elena Izquierdo, with UTEP’s College of Education. “If he’s in a bilingual household, where he hears both English and Spanish, then the sounds in English and the sounds in Spanish become part of his inventory,” said Izquierdo. “That’s why children, when they are introduced to languages early on, don’t have an accent, they have been practicing it for a long time and it becomes part of their inventory.”…Here are some research-backed guidelines to raise a bilingual child:”(more)