Published On: January 13th, 2016|

Education News – Grace Smith

“As parents struggle to control their children’s electronic gadget use and an addiction to screen time, kids may be growing miserable. Rachel Cruz of Headlines and Global News writes that a British study involving children and their parents found that 23% of mothers and fathers feel challenged when attempting to get their children to unplug…Scientists said that children who are continually using their devices could become a generation of “deeply unhappy children.” “The pressure to keep up with friends and have the perfect life online is adding to the sadness that many young people feel on a daily basis,” said National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) chief Peter Wanless…healthy family relationships make children resilient and less susceptible to bullying or abuse…Tips to help diminish children’s gadget use include planning family activities, limiting their own device time, and replicating online games in a real-world environment…”(more)