Published On: April 9th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Miranda Marquit

“One of the most important lessons you can teach your children is to invest. Last year, when my son was 11, I opened a custodial IRA on his behalf. A portion of my son’s earnings from working in my home business, and from his allowance, go toward his investment account. Every so often, my son and I check his investment account progress and talk about what it means to invest for the long-term. I thought 11 was young enough to give my son an investing edge, but I’ve discovered that some professional money managers suggest starting earlier with investing lessons. Gerry Frigon, the President of Taylor Frigon Capital Management, taught his son to start investing at seven years old…No matter how old your child is (although it is helpful for your child to already have a basic understanding of financial concepts first), it’s a good idea to teach him or her how to invest. My own son takes an interest in his portfolio, since he can see results that go beyond what he would earn in a savings account. As you teach your child to invest, keep the following keys in mind:”(more)