Published On: August 13th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Dr. Gail Gross, Ph.D., Ed.D., M.Ed.

“When your child is little, under the age of two, he understands the world through his senses. But as he grows into his toddler years, and begins to understand the way things operate, he will begin to use his imagination to explain the mysteries of his world. Imaginative play is arguably the most important play your child will ever participate in…more important than all the toys, all the games, and all the things you buy for him to help him enhance his learning. It is imaginative play that helps your child relate to his feelings and strong emotions, to gain control over his behavior, and to work through his darker thoughts…So the question becomes, if creative play is so important, how do you offer it to your child? Like everything else, there are rules of engagement, and you as a parent need to know the rules.”(more)