Published On: June 14th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Abigail Seldin

“Discussing the birds and the bees is probably the most widely anticipated — and perhaps feared — of the tough conversations that responsible parents have with their children as they transition into adulthood. But I’d argue there’s another that merits a similar level of focus, albeit for different reasons. This tough conversation concerns your children’s future, financial health and maybe even their ability to fulfill their career aspirations — all ultra high stakes topics. There’s no arguing that applying to college is an arduous and complex process. For many Americans, it involves studying for and taking admission exams, completing multiple applications and filling out long and complicated financial aid forms. With the intensive focus on the application process, it’s easy to overlook the importance of what happens after acceptance letters arrive — and importantly, how to pay for it all. Many parents are willing to make great financial sacrifices to enroll their children in the top college to which they’re admitted. As a parent, you never want to say no to your children’s ability to pursue their best educational opportunity — especially one earned through hard work and discipline. But making the smart financial choice can create opportunity for your children — and the benefits may in fact exceed that of a brand-name diploma.”(more)