Published On: January 22nd, 2016|

Inside Higher Ed – Scott Jaschik

“Before Richard A. Detweiler’s presentation here Thursday at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, he asked audience members why they had selected his session, in which he had promised to present data about the long-term impact of having studied at a liberal arts college. The audience members…talked about looking for evidence to bolster their efforts to defend the liberal arts…Detweiler, president of the Great Lakes Colleges Association, may have just provided some. He presented early results from a research study (that eventually he hopes to turn into a book) about the long-term impact of having attended a liberal arts college or experienced qualities associated with liberal arts education…The study’s initial results suggest that one can prove that a liberal arts-style education can be associated with greater odds, compared to others with bachelor’s degrees, on such qualities as being a leader, being seen as ethical, appreciating arts and culture and leading a fulfilling and happy life.”(more)