Published On: May 24th, 2015|

The Air Force Times – Brian Everstine

“The military needs to address its challenge of having enough science, technology, engineering and math expertise to keep up with the technology advancements of potential adversaries, the Air Force’s top scientist said Wednesday. STEM education is a challenge for the entire country. While the Air Force has been more successful than other services in recruiting scientists and engineers, the military as a whole needs to appeal to a sense of service and patriotism to recruit the best talent, Air Force Chief Scientist Mica Endsley said. The military should “appeal to scientists and engineers who don’t want to just make the cool app, they want to make something of value,” Endsley told reporters at the Pentagon. “Something that could save lives. Something that could make us stronger as a country.” The U.S. has begun to lag as a leader of science and engineering. For example, the U.S. led all countries for research published in engineering-related publications in 2000, Endsley said. By 2007, China had caught up. In 2013, China had twice as many publications.”(more)