Published On: March 28th, 2015|

The Telegraph – Javier Espinoza

“Boys are twice as likely as girls to start primary school unable to speak properly, a new report says. Speech problems include issues around pronunciation, language and structure of sentences and also the ability to express themselves properly, according an analysis made by the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF). Their analysis of 2014 government figures on early years showed some 40,000 girls and 82,000 boys lack personal, social and emotional development by the age of four. The charity expressed concerns about too many boys arriving for their first day of school without a broad range of skills needed to maximise their potential. Carey Oppenheim, EIF’s chief executive, said: “This can have damaging consequences which can last a lifetime. Especially as children with strong social, emotional and communication skills developed in childhood have a better chance of getting a good job and being healthy, than those who are just bright or clever.”(more)