Published On: September 13th, 2015|

KQED News Mind/Shift – Katrina Schwartz

“Marcus Robinson comes off as an earnest, competent guy in his explainer videos. He looks like he has a good sense of humor — he might even be a bit of a joker with his friends — but he can also clearly get immersed in a project when he’s passionate about it. Robinson is one of several CodeNow student alumni involved in making introductory coding videos to help encourage underrepresented groups, like students of color and girls, to give coding a try. “Coding is problem-solving,” Robinson explained. “To work on finding where the errors are and how to fix them is what I love. Even if I’m frustrated with it, I’ll always get back on my feet and make sure that at the end of the day I find the solution.” This approach to coding has become something of a personal mantra for Robinson in all areas of his life, but he doesn’t think he would have had the confidence to make coding videos or see the world the way he does if he hadn’t been exposed to coding in high school through a CodeNow workshop.”(more)