Published On: November 8th, 2019|

Forbes – Talia Milgrom-Elcott

“Tomorrow is National STEM/STEAM Day, a day where we focus on inspiring kids to pursue science, technology, engineering, math . . . and art? As the head of an organization that focuses on preparing 100,000 new STEM teachers for our nation’s classrooms, I get asked all the time what I think about STEAM. People assume I’m opposed, but the opposite is true. While the country doesn’t have a need for more arts teachers, per se, we all need more STEM teachers to teach STEM in STEAMy ways. 21st-century jobs require creative confidence, critical thinking, and collaboration. Children need 21st-century learning opportunities that are no different. When the arts are part of STEM, STEM can come to life and spark connections for many more students to engage creatively, critically, and confidently in their learning.” (more)