Published On: March 16th, 2015|

The Huffington Post – Sara Goo

“Learning a new language is never easy, but it is especially hard in our current American education system. If you’re anything like me (and the millions of other students who have suffered through our public school system), you know that the teaching styles implemented in schools don’t really capture the true essence of foreign language. Students are taught to memorize vocabulary words and verb tenses and then are expected to rely the information back like little robots. Simulated conversation about predetermined topics is forced, and usually the entire learning experience is uncomfortable. Very rarely do you find teachers that show students the passion, history, and culture that can hide behind a foreign language. My junior and senior year of high school, however, I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who taught me so much more than what is written in the textbooks. She was my Spanish teacher, and to this day she continues to be my driving force in my quest to progress my Spanish speaking abilities.”(more)