The Huffington Post – Anna Partridge
“…in a world of abundant opportunity and access to “stuff,” how do we instill a sense of gratitude in our children? The definition of gratitude is the quality of being thankful and a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness…According to gratitude expert, Robert Emmons when things are going well, gratitude allows us to celebrate and magnify the goodness. However, when things are going badly, this is when gratitude really kicks in…Emmons’s research shows that when children, between the ages of 10 to 19, practice gratitude they feel a greater life satisfaction, more positive emotion, have higher levels of optimism and feel better about life and school. More importantly, it helps our children build resilience — the skill most needed to bounce back from adverse situations or stress. So how do we instill a sense of gratitude in our children? Here are 14 practical ways….”(more)