The Arizona Star – Marilyn Heins
“I am an omnivore and glad that I am! Omnivores eat all foods. We fortunate creatures are able to digest either plants or flesh while herbivores are limited in their food choices because they can only digest plants and carnivores can only digest flesh. Being omnivorous helped early humans survive. Hunters and gatherers can’t be picky because before agriculture, food was pretty scarce. Hunger and curiosity drove our ancestors to walk all over the world, the prequel to settling down and developing civilizations. Yay, omnivores! Today? Author and food-movement leader Michael Pollan says we are sustained by three food chains. The biggest is industrialized food grown and processed by agribusiness (and promoted heavily by food advertising), next is the much smaller organic food supply, and a very few people grow, hunt, or gather their own food. Food in the U.S. is super abundant, readily available, and cheap.”(more)