Published On: November 15th, 2020|

NPR – Elissa Nadworny and Yuki Noguchi

“Sandy Kretschmer imagines her son Henry returning home from college, dropping his bags and then giving her a big hug. But she knows the reality of this homecoming may be a lot different. “I’ll probably have a mask on, and he’ll have a mask on when I hug him,” she says. Henry plans to take a COVID-19 test a few days before he leaves Iowa State University where he’s a junior, and he’ll self-quarantine until he heads home to Chicago. The Kretschmers are taking these precautions because some family members have underlying conditions that put them at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19. Henry’s father has an autoimmune disease, and his 78-year-old grandfather is in hospice care.” (more)