Published On: June 14th, 2015|

The Norman Transcript – Scott Meacham

“U.S. News and Raytheon have produced a new and first comprehensive STEM index, measuring science, technology, engineering and mathematics activity in the U.S. relative to the year 2000. The inaugural report confirms that “student aptitude and interest” in STEM has remained mostly flat for more than a decade, even as the need for STEM skills continues to accelerate. Especially on point is the statement by the editor of U.S. News and World Report that “STEM skills may be required in as many of 50 percent of future jobs.” That’s why STEM interest and education should be a hot button issue for anyone who cares about young people, innovation, or jobs in Oklahoma. It’s all connected. We have to figure out ways to engage more students at every age, in every grade, and at every level of ability in STEM. This doesn’t mean our daughters and sons are all going to become ultra-proficient in calculus or gain advanced degrees in physics or biology. But they do need to expand their technical and scientific literacy while learning to use problem-solving skills and data to answer questions.”(more)