Published On: March 5th, 2020|

The 74 Million – Beth Hawkins

“As a second-grader, a Los Angeles girl identified as Ella T. wrote to the governor of California asking for help for her school, LaSalle Elementary. Carefully and neatly written with a rainbow array of markers, it’s unintelligible. “Der Governor,” reads the letter, now an exhibit in Ella T. v. California, a suit filed on behalf of the girl and nine other Southern California children. “I can improve the school. supplies eras piso cupiso. shrpo pars yes. I ned eshu hlpe.” With only eight of LaSalle’s 430 students passing state reading exams in 2017, the year the lawsuit was filed, teachers — some of them also plaintiffs in the suit — knew they were failing but lacked the resources to intervene.” (more)