Published On: April 6th, 2015|

Forbes – Bill Conerly

“The old advice about college isn’t working anymore. College graduates (as well as “quituates”) face poor job prospects in many cases, as well as high student debt. A college degree is not the meal ticket it once was, especially unfortunate at the time when loans have to be paid off. Young men and women need to consider an alternate path. My previous article on this topic got a great deal of attention: The Six Courses That Will Make Any College Grad Employable. That advice is still right for a student in college, but let’s address the younger person: maybe you should not go to college right away. Camille Paglia had some very pointed comments about college in a recent Reason TV interview. (The entire interview is long and somewhat rambling, but Paglia makes strong points about the weakness of the current higher education model.) She said that young people need to learn how to make a living.”(more)