Published On: July 10th, 2015|

Livermore Patch – Bea Karnes

“Nine years of hard work have paid off. The first 8th grade class of the Dual Immersion (DI) students at Junction K-8 recently promoted with strong bilingual and biliteracy skills they have been developing since enrolling in the DI program in kindergarten…To the parents of children currently in the dual immersion program and to those considering enrolling their children in one, the students advised “Don’t give up on helping your children become bilingual. It will be hard work and they won’t want to do it at times. Just encourage them to keep going because in the long run it will all be worth it… even if they can’t see that now”…During the reception following the panel, parents shared they were proud of their children for their accomplishments in both languages and truly appreciated…the advantages fluency in a second language would bring in college and career readiness.”(more)