Published On: January 23rd, 2020|

Forbes – Caroline Milanesi

“For the longest time, schools have been treating kids as if they were all the same. Public schools, in particular, are given an academic plan for the year. A plan that dictates what the children must learn and at what pace as well as how they are tested. This does not favor children who might have learning styles that do not conform. These cases do not have to be extreme, but it could be as simple as being able to accommodate children who are more auditory or more visual learners. Of course, the big challenge of the classroom is that you often have a ratio of one teacher to twenty or more students, which dramatically limits the level of personal attention these children get. If this is today’s scenario, one can understand why younger generations preparing to be teachers are concerned about how prepared they might be for a class environment that includes children who speak different languages and come from different cultural backgrounds.” (more)