Speaking multiple languages helps prevent two serious degenerative diseases | Science proves it
Speaking multiple languages helps prevent two serious degenerative diseases | Science proves it
Speaking multiple languages helps prevent two serious degenerative diseases | Science proves it
During tense situations, young children can learn to regulate their emotions when teachers calmly sit with them—using zero words at first.
Children's attitudes towards learning languages and their willingness to see themselves as 'multilingual' are influenced far more by the views of their parents than by their teachers or friends, new research indicates.
How music can help with language learning
Music teachers can support the learning process creatively and organically while staying focused on curriculum goals and standards.
Gamified assessments can provide richer data for a more holistic analysis of students' skills and progress
Learning to code can teach kids valuable skills such as creativity, flexibility, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration
Active learning models enable students to support peers in math and beyond
Instructors in a flipped classroom model can spend class time answering student questions and implementing course concepts
Schoolchildren who run or walk for 15 minutes during the school day are mentally and physically sharper than those who do not, says study