ACT Scores Fall to Lowest Level In 30 Years
Act-takers averaged 19.8 out of a possible 36 points on the college admissions test, the first time since 1991 nationwide results dipped below 20
Act-takers averaged 19.8 out of a possible 36 points on the college admissions test, the first time since 1991 nationwide results dipped below 20
When it comes to teaching and learning math are the old school methods the best?
Are boys being left behind in education?
According to a survey the majority of Americans believe gaming could be a career and gaming studies should start as young as elementary or middle school
Storytelling helps college students relieve stress, improve confidence during COVID-19 pandemic
As China is a major country on the global stage, to study China and its language can broaden children's minds and improve their career prospects
Speaking two or more languages boosts brain power
As much as teens want independence, they still need help from their parents to know how to navigate the uncharted waters they face in high school
What is the legacy of No Child Left Behind?
What researchers learned about online higher education during the pandemic