ACT Scores Fall to Lowest Level In 30 Years

Act-takers averaged 19.8 out of a possible 36 points on the college admissions test, the first time since 1991 nationwide results dipped below 20

PROOF POINTS: New evidence of high school grade inflation

ACT study finds that the trend of rising GPAs accelerated after 2016 and intensified during the pandemic

Studying a Foreign Language Can Help on ACT, SAT

How studying a foreign language can help students' improve their ACT and SAT performance

Decline of SAT and ACT sparks dubious fears of high school grade inflation

Decline of SAT and ACT sparks dubious fears of high school grade inflation

Colleges go SAT/ACT-optional to ease burden on students

Colleges go SAT/ACT-optional to ease burden on students. Some colleges and universities have made the change permanent.

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