Four essential features to seek in an after-school program

A scholar who used to evaluate after-school programs says they should do more than just be a place for kids to hang out and socialize. Here are his 4 essential features to seek in an after-school program.

Analysis: Out-of-School STEM Programs Inspire, Empower and Engage Children. What Teachers Can Learn from Them

Out-of-school STEM programs provide a blueprint for engaging and inspiring children meaningfully, and to get them on track academically and social-emotionally

OPINION: We ignore middle school students at our own peril

The pandemic is hurting middle school students, who need the lifeline of after-school programs more than ever before

The Key To Developing Future Leaders Starts With After School Programs

The leaders of tomorrow are in school right now. Imagine the possibilities that could exist if they were provided with a foundation of skills that would not only serve them well in their studies, but also stick with them as they enter the workforce.

After-school STEM learning gets a boost from the Million Girls Moonshot

The setting and environment of after-school lend themselves uniquely to the kinds of hands-on, sleeves-rolled-up learning so critical to STEM education, and programs put that advantage to good use.

Funk: Afterschool Programs Are Key Partners in Creating Supportive Learning Communities, Especially for Students in Poverty and English Learners

Afterschool programs are key partners in creating supportive learning communities, especially for students in poverty and English learners

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