Teaching pupils to ‘think like Da Vinci’ will help them to take on climate change

Reforms to the school curriculum which mix the arts and sciences will better prepare students for the real-world challenges that will define their adult lives, researchers argue.

Teaching preschoolers to love STEAM

How can we get preschool children to love STEAM? It starts with a spirit of inquiry, and also involves turning a robot into a bird—discover how science and art merge together in engaging ways

Why creating art with your children is important

Parents who take part in creative activities with their children can help bolster their kids' communication, build their sense of self and even improve their health and wellbeing.

6 ways to help kids express their feelings about the coronavirus pandemic through art

Art can be a way to promote and support mental health in children, and understanding children's experiences through the pandemic as seen through children's art may help support them into the future.

Research Shows Students Benefiting From Arts Field Trips, But Will They Recede After COVID?

Research shows that student field trips to museums, theaters, and orchestras yield both academic and social-emotional benefits. But how will enrichment and arts programming recover from the pandemic?

Language Learning with a Side of Art to Go

How the arts can aid a student's language learning as they learn from home

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