3 tips for navigating arts education during school shutdowns

With schools closed and kids practicing remote learning it can be difficult for teachers and parents to teach kids the arts and music. Here are some tips to help

How To Help Your Child Figure Out Their Passion While They’re Stuck At Home

Here are some ways parents can help their children figure out their passion while they're stuck at home.

Illinois Just Took A Big Step For Arts Education

The Illinois State Board of Education voted to add a weighted arts indicator to its Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state plan. Its the first state to do so.

Why You Should Encourage Your Child To Get More Involved In The Arts

Studying the arts has also shown to help kids in other subjects too, like math, science and reading. Your child will learn life skills as well.

Framing Social Studies Lessons Around Works of Art

Using paintings and other artworks in lessons can help teachers meet content-area standards connected to promoting student inquiry.

New Studies Link the Arts to Crucial Cognitive Skills

What happens to kids' brains ‘on art’? New studies—often backed by brain imaging technology—are beginning to dial in on the answers.

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