Eight Wellness Design-Inspired Pro Tips For Your Back-To-School Experience

Millions of parents across the country look forward enthusiastically to their kids being in the classroom after the strangest year in most of their lifetimes. If you’re one of them, there are adjustments you can make to your home that can help support this overdue transition to normalcy.

America goes back to school – 5 essential reads on parenting in the pandemic

America goes back to school – 5 essential reads on parenting in the pandemic

How To Prepare Your Kids Now That They’re Going Back To School

From little kids to teens, here's how parents can make returning to school exciting again – and calm any nerves.

Is your child anxious about starting school for the first time? Here’s how you can help

Anxiety about starting school is common – among both children and parents. This can be for many reasons, but it's useful to keep in mind exposure to our fears helps reduce anxiety.

Three health tips for heading back to school

Shopping for school supplies is often a regular ritual for many students. But parents also need to make sure that their children are healthy before the first school bell rings.

Back to school: how to support children as they head into a new class

The children in a study had many concerns about returning to school, which included making friends, meeting new teachers and coping with school work. Here's how parents can help

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