Arts advantage: Attendance boosts and 3 more benefits

New study reveals the benefits of the arts and creativity on students. Children who participate in art classes have better attendance, engagement and test scores

Which Schools Beat the Odds? In National Study, Researchers Find Top Results for Newark, Boston and Pittsburgh

Where do kids beat the odds? A new study from shows that schools in Newark, Boston and Pittsburgh outperform demographically similar schools in their respective states

Study: Preschool expansion leads to gains for Massachusetts children

A preschool partnership between five Massachusetts school districts and community-based early-childhood programs led to positive impacts on young children’s early academic performance, especially literacy and math skills

Why a high-performing district is changing everything with competency-based learning

Why this high-performing school district in Massachusetts is changing everything with competency-based learning

Teacher’s Perspective: How My School’s Chinese Immersion Program Is Paving a Pathway to Global Citizenship for Inner-City Students

The 74 Million - Yingling Hsu "Their educations often hamstrung [...]

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