English is not enough – British children face major disadvantage when it comes to language skills

Being monolingual is not good enough for future careers, say writers. Students must learn second languages to compete in a global marketplace

Language learning: German and French drop by half in UK schools

Foreign language learning continues to drop in the United Kingdom leading to government ministers searching to reverse the decline

A mother’s tongue: The complexity of raising multilingual children

Raising multilingual children can be difficult but the rewards make the hard work worthwhile

A true national security threat — foreign language programs disappearing

The lack of foreign language programs will pose a risk to national security in the future

Boosting your child’s language learning skills at home

Ox Gadgets - Sami Mughal "Out of all the gifts [...]

Dinner Talk Time: Language, Literacy, and Learning Implications for Children

The Long Island Press - Erin Fealy Cunningham "Carving out [...]

Why are children so good at learning languages?

Medical X-Press - Janna Roberts "In 2003, an influential study [...]

Babies who hear two languages at home develop advantages in attention

Medical X-Press - Staff Writer "The advantages of growing up [...]

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